This paper is concerned with the diffuse interface Ohta–Kawasaki energy in three
space dimensions, in a periodic setting, in the parameter regime corresponding to the
onset of nontrivial minimizers. We identify the scaling in which a sharp transition
from asymptotically trivial to nontrivial minimizers takes place as the small
parameter characterizing the width of the interfaces between the two phases goes to
zero, while the volume fraction of the minority phases vanishes at an appropriate
rate. The value of the threshold is shown to be related to the optimal binding energy
solution of Gamow’s liquid drop model of the atomic nucleus. Beyond the threshold
the average volume fraction of the minority phase is demonstrated to grow
linearly with the distance to the threshold. In addition to these results, we
establish a number of properties of the minimizers of the sharp interface
screened Ohta–Kawasaki energy in the considered parameter regime. We also
establish rather tight upper and lower bounds on the value of the transition
energy driven pattern formation, Gamma convergence