We consider the motion of several rigid bodies immersed in a two-dimensional
incompressible perfect fluid, the whole system occupying a bounded simply connected
domain. The external fixed boundary is impermeable except on an open nonempty
part where one controls both the normal velocity, allowing some fluid to go in and
out of the domain, and the entering vorticity. The motion of the rigid bodies is given
by the Newton laws with forces due to the fluid pressure and the fluid motion is
described by the incompressible Euler equations. We prove that it is possible to
exactly achieve any noncolliding smooth motion of the rigid bodies by the remote
action of a controlled normal velocity on the outer boundary which takes the form of
state-feedback, with zero entering vorticity. The proof relies on a nonlinear method to
solve linear perturbations of nonlinear equations associated with a quadratic
trajectory tracking, fluid-solid interaction, coupled
ODE-PDE system, fluid mechanics, Euler equation, control