If A = (ai,j) is a fixed n × n
complex matrix, then it is well known that the Gerschgorin disks Gi in the complex
plane, defined by
 | (1) |
are such that each eigenvalue of A lies in at least one disk, and, consequently, the
union of these disks,
 | (2) |
which we call the Gerschgorin set, contains all the eigenvalues of A. It is however
clear from (1) that the radii of these Gerschgorin disks depend only on the moduli of
the off-diagonal entries of A. Thus, if  | (3)
| then it is clear that the Gerschgorin set G contains all the eigenvalues of each
n×n matrix B in ΩA. It is natural to ask how far-reaching this elementary theory is
in bounding the eigenvalues of ΩA.
To extend the above results slightly, let x > 0 be any vector with positive
components, and let X(x) ≡ diag(x1,x2,⋯,xn). Applying the above results to
X−1(x)AX(x) shows that if
 | (1’) |
then the associated Gerschgorin set
 | (2’) |
again contains all the eigenvalues of each B ∈ ΩA for every x > 0. Thus, the closed
bounded set
 | (4) |
which we call the minimal Gerschgorin set, also contains all the eigenvalues of each
B ∈ ΩA.
One of the major results in this paper is that each boundary point of G(ΩA) is an
eigenvalue of some matrix B in ΩA.