Let R be the ring of integers of
some algebraic number field K and P = R[x0,⋯,xr,y0,⋯,ys], where the xi’s and yj’s
are indeterminates. Call two ideals of P equivalent, if after substitution of the
indeterminates by arbitrary elements of R they always yield identical ideals in R. For
example, consider the ideal I generated by the coefficients of the product of the two
polynomials f(t) = ∑
i=0rxiti and g(t) = ∑
j=0syjtj. According to the so-called
Lemma of Gauss, I is equivalent to the product J of the ideals (x0,⋯,xr) and
The object of this note is to show that the ideal I has the following minimal
property: It has the smallest number of generators, namely r + s + 1, among all ideals
in P which are equivalent to J in the above sense.