Three out of the four theorems
proved in this paper deal with the location of the zeros of a polynomial P(z) whose
zeros zi, i = 1,2,⋯,n satisfy the conditions |zi|≦ 1, and ∑
i=1nzip = 0 for
p = 1,2,⋯,l. One of those estimates is
for |z| > 1.
The fourth result is of a different nature. It refines, in particular, a theorem
due to Eneström and Kakeya. It is shown that no zero of the polynomial
h(z) = ∑
k=0nbkzk lies in the disk
where β = max|z|=1|h′(z)|∕max|z|=1|h(z)|, and max|z|=1|h(z)| = |h(ei𝜃)|.