If R is a ring (with unit)
and AR,R1AR2,⋯,RAR,Rn−1An are R-(bi)modules, then MultiR,n(A1,⋯,An) is
defined to be the i-th left derived functor of the multiple tensor product
A1 ⊗⋯ ⊗ An(⊗ = ⊗R); i.e., Hi(K1 ⊗⋯ ⊗ Kn), where each Kr is a projective
resolution of Ar.
The purpose of this paper is to give a description of MultiR,n(A1,⋯,An) in terms
of generators and relations, analogous to that given by MacLane in the case n = 2
[and Multi = ToriR(A1,A2)].