The following is proved:
MAIN THEOREM. Let A be a finite dimensional Archemedian lattice ordered
algebra which satisfies the following axioms:
MO If f,g,h ∈ A, and if f ≧ 0, then
- f ∗ (g ∨ h) = ∨{f1 ∗ g + f2 ∗ h : f1 ≧ 0,f2 ≧ 0,f1 + f2 = f}.
- (g ∨ h) ∗ f = ∨{g ∗ f1 + h ∗ f2 : f1 ≧ 0,f2 ≧ 0,f1 + f2 = f}.
- If f,g ∈ A, and if f > 0, g > 0, then f ∗ g > 0.
Then there exists a finite group G such that A is order and algebra isomorphic to the
group algebra of G.
Some similar results are obtained for finite semigroups, and a few applications of
these results are given. In particular it is shown that the second cohomology group,
H2(S,R), of any finite commutative semigroup, S, with coefficients in the additive
group of real numbers, R, is trivial.