We call a Banach algebra A,
whose norm is a Hilbert space norm, a two-sided H∗-algebra if for each x ∈ A there
are elements xl, xr in A such that (xy,z) = (y,xlz) and (yx,z) = (y,zxr) for all
y,z ∈ A. A two-sided H∗-algebra is called discrete is each right ideal R such that
{xr∣x ∈ R} = {xl∣x ∈ R} contains an idempotent e such that er = el = e. The
purpose of this paper is to obtain a structural characterization of those two-sided
H∗-algebras M which consist of complex matrices x = (xij∣i,j ∈ J) (J is any index
set) for which
converges. Here ti is real and 1 ≦ ti ≦ a for all i ∈ J and some real a. The inner
product in M is
Then every algebra M is discrete simple and proper (Mx = 0 implies x = 0).
Conversely every discrete simple and proper two-sided H∗-algebra is isomorphic to
some algebra M. An incidental result is that the radical of a two-sided H∗-algebra is
the right (left) annihilator of the algebra.