Let X1, X2 be nondegenerate,
independent, exponential-type random variables (r.v.) with probability density
functions, (p.d.f.) f1(x1;𝜃), f2(x2;𝜃), (not necessarily with respect to the same
measure), where fi(xi;𝜃) = exp{xipi(𝜃) + qi(𝜃)} for 𝜃 ∈ (a,b) and pi(𝜃) is an analytic
function of 𝜃 (for Re 𝜃 ∈ (a,b)) with pi′(𝜃) never equal to zero on (a,b). If X1, X2
are neither both normal nor both Poisson type r.v.’s, then X1 + X2 is an
exponential-type r.v. if and only if p1′(𝜃) = p2′(𝜃).