In this note we prove the
following theorem which seems to exhibit an essential property of the order (R) of
entire function defined by Dirichlet series.
Theorem If h(s) and g(s) are entire functions defined by Dirichlet series and
g(log h(s)) is an entire function of finite order (R), then there are only two possible
cases: either
(a) the internal function h(s) is a Dirichlet polynomial and the external function
g(s) is of finite order (R); or
(b) the internal function h(s) is of finite order (R) and the external function g(s)
is of order zero.
Here h(s) and g(s) are entire functions defined by the Dirichlet series
satisfying the relations
for any real value of (in particular, every Dirichlet series absolutely convergent in the
whole plane will have this property).