It is shown that a linear
operator T : L2(X) → L2(X) (X a locally compact group), with the property that
TE ⊂ E for each norm closed right translation invariant subspace E of L2(X),
is necessarily continuous. In §5 the author shows that this is also true for
L1(X) when X contains an element a which does not lie in any compact
subgroup. An example is constructed to show that, in l∞(−∞,+∞),T can
be discontinuous and still leave invariant each σ(l∞,l1) closed translation
invariant subspace of l∞. If however T : l∞(−∞,+∞) → l∞(−∞,+∞) leaves
invariant all norm closed translation invariant subspaces, then T must be