By an H-algebra we mean a
nonassociative algebra (not necessarily finite-dimensional) over a field in which every
subalgebra is an ideal of the algebra.
In this paper we prove
Main Theorem. Let A be a power-associative algebra over a field F of
characteristic not 2. A is an H-algebra if and only if A is one of the following;
(1) a one-dimensional idempotent algebra;
(2) a zero algebra;
(3) an algebra with basis u0,ui,i ∈ I (an index set of arbitrary cardinality)
satisfying uiuj = αiju0,αij ∈ F,i,j ∈ I, all other products zero. Moreover if
J is a finite subset of I, then ∑
tj∈Jαijxixj is nondegenerate in that
i,j∈Jαijαtαj = 0,αi,αj ∈ F,i ∈ J implies αi = 0,i ∈ J;
(4) direct sums of algebras of types (1), (2), (3) with at most one from