A stability theorem and a
corollary are proved for a nonlinear nonautonomous third order differential equation.
A remark shows that the results do not hold for the linear case. THEOREM. Let
p′(t) and q(t) be continuous and q(t) ≧ 0, p(t) < 0 with p′(t) ≧ 0. For any A and B
for large t where Q(t) = ∫
t0tq(s)ds, then any nonoscillatory solution ixj(t) of the
has the following properties; sgn x = sgn X,≠ sgn ẋ,limt→∞ẍ(t)
and x(t)X(t),X(t) are monotone functions. COROLLARY. If q(t) >∈> 0 for large t,
then limt→∞x(t) = 0.