G is a locally compact abelian
group whose dual Γ is algebraically ordered, i.e., ordered when considered as a
discrete group. Every (Radon) complex measure μ on G has a unique Lebesgue
decomposition: dμ = dμs + g(x)dx, where dμs is singular and g ∈ L1(G). A measure
μ on G is of analytic type if μ(γ) = 0 for γ < 0, where μ is the Fourier-Stieltjes
transform of μ.
The main result of the paper is that if ∫
γ<0|μ(γ)|2 dγ < ∞, or more
generally, if, for γ < 0, μ(γ) coincides with the transform f(γ) of a function
f in Lp(G), 1 ≦ p ≦ 2, then the singular part dμs is of analytic type and
μs(0) = 0.