If k ∈𝒦, where 𝒦 is a subgroup
of a group 𝒮 , then closure implies k2,k3,⋯,∈𝒦. Nonempty subsets S ⊂𝒮 with the
inverse property sm ∈ S implies s,s2,⋯,sm ∈ S (m = 1,2,⋯) will be called
stellar sets. Let pα be a fixed prime power. If a stellar set S of an abelian
group 𝒮 intersects every subgroup ℋ of index pα in 𝒮 , and 0∉S, then the
cardinal |S| of S is bounded below by pα (Theorem 3), when 𝒮 satisfies a mild