We shall establish in this paper some congruence relations with respect to the
modulus 3 for some restricted partition functions. The difference between the
unrestricted partition function, p(n), and these restricted partition functions which
we shall denote by
merely lies in the restriction that no number of the forms 27n, or 27n ± r,
shall be a part of the partitions which are of relevance in the restricted case.
Thus to determine the value of r _
27p(n) one should count all the unrestricted
partitions of n excepting those which contain a number of any of the above
forms as a part. We shall assume p(n) and r _
27p(n) to be unity when n is
zero, and vanishing when the argument is negative. We can now state our
Theorem 1. For almost all values of n
Theorem 2. For all values of n