Vol. 29, No. 2, 1969

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On finite groups with independent cyclic Sylow subgroups

Marcel Herzog

Vol. 29 (1969), No. 2, 285–293

The purpose of this paper is to classify all perfect groups with cyclic Sylow p-subgroups which satisfy the condition

(TI) two different Sylow p-subgroups of G contain only the unit element in common and such that

o(G) < o(P )3

where P is a Sylow p-subgroup of G.

The main result of this paper is the following

Theorem 1. Let G be a perfect finite group with a cyclic Sylow p-subgroup P of order pa and assume that the Sylow p-subgroups of G satisfy the (TI) condition. Assume, furthermore, that

o(G ) < p3a.

Then one of the following statements holds.

(I) a = 1, GPSL(2,p), where p > 3 is a prime.

(II) a = 1, GPSL(2,p 1), where p = 2m + 1 > 5 is a Fermat prime.

(III) a = 1, GSL(2,p), where p > 3 is a prime.

(IV) a = 2, p = 3, GPSL(2,8).

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 20.43
Received: 10 May 1968
Published: 1 May 1969
Marcel Herzog