Let Pj(z,𝜖) be a polynomial in
z and 𝜖 with complex coefficients, where z is in Em and 𝜖 > 0 is a small parameter.
Let L𝜖 = ∑
j=0lPl−j(∂x,𝜖)(δt)g be a polynomial in δt,δx and 𝜖, which is not divisible
by the square of a similar nonconstant polynomial. We shall assume that P0(z,𝜖) = 𝜖
and P1(z) is independent of 𝜖.
In this paper we shall show that under certain conditions the
solution u8(t,x) of L𝜖(u) = f𝜖(t,x) converges to the solution u0(t,x) of
L0(u) = f0(t,x).