Let A and B be C∗-algebras
and let A⊗αB be their C∗-tensor product with Turumaru’s α-norm. The author has
previously defined mappings Rφ;A ⊗αB → B and Lψ: A ⊗αB → A via bounded
linear functionals φ on A and ψ on B, as follows:
and has shown how the families {Rφ|φ ∈ A∗} and {Lψ|ψ ∈ B∗} determine
the structure of the tensor product of A and B. Moreover, in a joint paper
with J. Hakeda the author also proved the existence of these kinds of
mappings in tensor products of von Neumann algebras and gave some of their
applications. Further applications of these mappings are shown in the present