Vol. 32, No. 1, 1970

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Möbius functions of order k

Tom M. (Mike) Apostol

Vol. 32 (1970), No. 1, 21–27

Let k denote a fixed positive integer. We define an arithmetical function μk, the Möbius function of order k, as follows:

μk(1) = 1,
μk(n) = 0 if pk+1|n for some prime p,
μk(n) = (1)r if n = p 1kp rk i>rpiai ,0 ai < k,
μk(n) = 1 otherwise.
In other words, μk(n) vanishes if n is divisible by the (k + 1)-st power of some prime; otherwise, μk(n) is 1 unless the prime factorization of n contains the k-th powers of exactly r distinct primes, in which case μk(n) = (1)r. When k = 1k(n) is the usual Möbius function, μ1(n) = μ(n).

This paper discusses some of the relations that hold among the functions μk for various values of k. We use these to derive an asymptotic formula for the summatory function

Mk(x) =    μk(n)

for each k 2. Unfortunately, the analysis sheds no light on the behavior of the function M1(x) = nxμ(n).

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 10.43
Received: 11 April 1969
Published: 1 January 1970
Tom M. (Mike) Apostol