Let N be a compact
PL-n-manifold, and let M be a PL-m-manifold without boundary. Two of the major
problems in PL-topology are to determine conditions such that (1) any continuous
map of N into M can be homotoped to a PL-embedding, and (2) two homotopic
PL-embeddings are PL-isotopic.
If C(N,M) is the space of continuous maps of N into M with the compact open
topology, and if PL(N,M) is the subspace of PL-embeddings, one can consider the
map i#;Π0(PL(N,M)) → Π0(C(N,M)) induced by inclusion. If (1) is true, then i#
is onto; if (2) is true, then i# is one-to-one. In this paper, we investigate the higher
homotopy groups of PL(N,M) and C(N,M).