Let G be an abelian
group. A set S ⊂ G is a stellar set if mx ∈ S implies x,2x,⋯,mx ∈ S. Let
pα be a fixed prime power. It is shown that if S ∩ pαG = ∅,G satisfies a
mild condition, and S intersects all the subgroups K of index G : K = pα,
then the cardinality of S is bounded below by pα + pα−1. This bound is the
best possible. The problem is reduced to solving a number of congruence
with lattice points (x1,x2,⋯,xn) in a stellar set S in Euclidean n-space. This in turn
leads to an interesting result on congruence classes of subgroups and points
which tells something about the solution in integers of the above congruence