Vol. 37, No. 2, 1971

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The asymptotic behavior of norms of powers of absolutely convergent Fourier series

Dennis Michael Girard

Vol. 37 (1971), No. 2, 357–381

Let f(t) have an absolutely convergent Fourier series f(t) = akeikt and set f= |ak|. In this paper we will study the asymptotic behavior of fnas n →∞. THEOREM. Let f be absolutely continuous and let fbe of bounded variation on the real line modulo 2π. Let f(0) = 1 but |f(t)| < 1 for t0 and suppose that for t near 0, f(t) = ϕ(eit) where ϕ is defined and analytic near z = 1. Define the parameters α,p,q, A and β as follows

α = ϕ(1)
ϕ(z) = zα + Aip(z 1)p + o(1)(z 1)p,z 1(A0)
|ϕ(eit)| = 1 βtq + o(tq),t 0(β0).
Then, (a) for pq
∥fn∥ ∼ (2∕π)1∕2−δ(p)q−1[p(p − 1)]1∕2Γ (p∕2q)|A |1∕2β−p∕2qn(1−p∕q)∕2

where δ(p) = 0 if p is even and, = 1 if p is odd; (b) for p = q

 lim  ∥fn∥ = (1∕2π)∥ˆF∥1
n→ ∞

where F is the Fourier transform of F(t) = exp(Atp). The following results about these parameters are known and easily verifiable: p and q are positive integers, 2 p q, q is even, β > 0,ReA 0;p = q if and only if ReA0;p = q implies β = ReA;

(1) ϕ (eit) = exp[iαt+ Atp + 𝒪 (tp+1)],t → 0 if p = q,


(2) ϕ(eit) = exp[
p  p    ∑q    r    q
iαt+ (− 1) At + i    crt − βt
+       ]
𝒪(tq+1), as t 0,c r real, if pq.
We outline in §5 how it is possible to relax the condition of analyticity at t = 0 and replace it with conditions (1) and (2) where the 𝒪 terms satisfy certain smoothness conditions. G. W. Hedstrom proved in 1966 that under these same hypotheses, there exist two constants c,C such that c < fnn(1p∕q)2 < C

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 42.12
Received: 4 September 1969
Published: 1 May 1971
Dennis Michael Girard