Let A be a continuous linear
operator on a complex Hilbert space X, with inner product <,> and associated norm
∥∥. For each complex number z let Mz(A) = {x : ⟨Ax,x⟩ = z∥x∥2}. The following
classifications of special operators are obtained: (i) A is a scalar multiple of an
isometry if and only if AMz(A) ⊂ Mz(A) for each complex z; (ii) A is a
nonzero scalar multiple of a unitary operator if and only if AMz(A) = Mz(A)
for each complex z; and (iii) A is normal if and only if for each complex
z{x|Ax ∈ Mz(A)} = {x|A∗x ∈ Mz(A)}.