If X is a real or complex
Banach space and ℒ(X) is the algebra of bounded linear endomorphisms of X then
each element T of ℒ(X) defines an operator DT on ℒ(X) by DT(A) = AT − TA.
Clearly ∥DT∥≦ 2infλ∥T + λI∥ and Stampfli has shown that when χ is a complex
Hilbert space equality holds. In this paper it is shown, by methods which apply to a
large class of uniformly convex spaces, that this formula for ∥DT∥ is false in
lp and Lp(0,1)1 < p < ∞,p≠2. For L1 spaces the formula is true in the
real case but not in the complex case when the space has dimension 3 or