A square matrix A = [aij]1n
has dominant diagonal if ∀i{|aii| > Ri = ∑
J≠i|aij|}. A more complicated type of
dominance is the following. Suppose for each i, there is assigned a set I(i) (subset of
{1,⋯,n}), i ∈ I(i): Define Bij as the I(i) × I(i) submatrix of A that uses columns
I(i), and rows {I(i)∖i,j}, i.e., the set obtained from I(i) by replacing the
i-th row by the j-th row. Set bij = detBij. Then [bij]1n is a matrix, the
elements of which are determinants of minor matrices of A. In an earlier paper,
bounds for detA were derived in case [bij] has dominant diagonal in the
special case that {I(i)}i represents a partitioning of the indices into disjoint
In this article the general case is treated; I(i) can be any subset of
{1,⋯,n} that contains i. An identity is derived connecting det[bij]1n with