An integration on βN, the
Stone-Cech compactification of the natural numbers N, is defined such that if s
is a bounded sequence and ϕ is a summation method evaluating s to σ,
sdϕ = σ. The Fourier transform ϕ of a summation method ϕ is defined as
a linear functional on a space of test functions analytic in the unit disc:
A functional which agrees with the Fourier transform of a regular summation
method must annihilate the Hardy space H1. Our space of test functions is often
the space M,, of functions f = ∑
f(n)zn, analytic in the unit disc, such
is finite for some p > 1. A functional L which is well defined on a space Mp for some
p ≧ 2 such that L(1∕(1 − z)) = 1 agrees with the Fourier transform of a summation
method which is slightly stronger than convergence.