Let V be a finite dimensional
unitary space and ⊗mV the unitary space of m-contravariant tensors based on V
with the inner product induced from V . If T is a linear transformation on
⊗mV to itself and X = (αji,xj) any positive semidefinite hermitian matrix
Let ∥ ∥1 be any norm on the space of m × m complex matrices, and
𝒯 = {x1 ⊗⋯ ⊗ xm : xi ∈ V }. The main result is that if T and S are any two linear
transformations on ⊗nV to itself then the following are equivalent:
(a) ker(T) ∩𝒯 ⊆ ker(S) ∩𝒯
(b) If X is positive semidefinite hermitian and dT(X) = 0 then ds(X) = 0.
(c) There exists a positive integer k and a constant c > 0 such that for all positive
semidefinite hermitian matrices X
Some applications to inequalities for generalized matrix functions are