A stochastic process,
E[x(t,⋅)|ℱt](ω), on a probability space (Ω,.𝒜,P) and an interval D, where
x ∈ L1(D × Ω) and {ℱt,t ∈ D} is an increasing collection of sigma-fields in 𝒜, is
considered. Sufficient conditions for the joint measurability of E[x(t,⋅)|ℱt](ω) in
(t,ω) are given, and if x ∈ L2(D × Ω), it is shown that, under certain fairly general
conditions, E[x(t,⋅)|ℱt](ω) can be identified with the projection of x onto a
certain subspace of the Hilbert space associated with L2(D × Ω). The results
obtained herein have application in certain classes of stochastic optimization