Homotopy groups admit
primary operations analogous to the Steenrod operations in ordinary cohomology
theory and a good understanding of them seems vital to interpreting patterns in the
homotopy of spheres.
Also, it has been known for a long time that a type of Steenrod algebra acts in
ExtA(Zp,Zp) if A is a cocommutative Hopf algebra. Recently, D. S. Kahn showed
that in the E2 term of the Adams spectral sequence Ext𝒜(2)∗∗(Z2,Z2), certain of
these operations on infinite cycles converge to the graded elements associated to the
actual homotopy operations. Also, on infinite cycles, he showed how this structure
determined some differentials.
In this paper, we further explore the relations between the operations in
Ext𝒜(p)∗∗(Zp,Zp) and differentials in the Adams spectral sequence. In particular, for
elements which need not be infinite cycles, we prove
Theorem 4.1.1.
(a) There are operations Sqi in Ext𝒜(2)(Z2,Z2) so that
for a ∈ Ext𝒜(2)r,s(Z2,Z2).
(b) There are operations 𝒫i,β𝒫i in Ext𝒜(p)(Zp,Zp) for p an odd prime so
for a ∈ Ext𝒜(p)r,s(Zp,Zp). (Here, Sqi takes Exts,r homomorphically
to Exts+i,2r while 𝒫i takes Exts,r to Exts+(2i−r)(p−1),pr, and
β𝒫i(Exts,r) ⊂ Exts+(2i−r)(p−1)+1,pr.)