Let 𝒫n denote the linear space of
polynomials p(z) =∑k=0nakzk of degree at most n. There are various ways in which
we can introduce norm (∥∥) in 𝒫n. Given β let 𝒫n,β denote the subspace consisting
of those polynomials which vanish at β. Then how large can ∥p(z)∕(z − β)∥ be if
p(z) ∈𝒫n,β and ∥p(z)∥ = 1? This general question does not seem to have received
much attention. Here the problem is investigated when (i) ∥p(z)∥ =max|z|≤1|p(z)|,
(ii) ∥p(z)∥ = (1∕2π∫02π|p(ei𝜃)|2d𝜃)1∕2.