In this paper we
compute the spectrum of the lower triangular matrices Aa = (em,n), where
cmn = (n + 1)a∕(m + 1)a+1, m ≧ n ≧ 0,a is real and the corresponding operator on lp
is bounded (see 4.1). This result and other lemmas are used to determine the
spectrum of lower triangular matrices p(n)lq(m), m ≧ n ≧ 0 as operators on lp where
p is a monic polynomial of degree a,q is a monic polynomial of degree a + 1 and
q(m)≠0 for m = 0,1,⋯ . The spectrum is the diagonal together with the set
Ca−p − 1+1 when a − p−1 + 1 > 0, where Cb = {λ;|λ − (2b)−1|≦ (2b)−1} (see