Roughly speaking, a
Fox-Artin arc is an arc which is tame modulo one endpoint at which it has
penetration index three, and which may be constructed in the way that the
examples of R. H. Fox and E. Artin were constructed in their classical paper of
For each oriented Fox-Artin arc, there is an associated infinite sequence of
oriented prime 2-component links, which is an invariant of the local embedding type
of the arc in R8. Using existence results from link theory, this result yields the
corollary: If M is a 3-manifold and p a point in the interior of M, then there exists an
uncountable family of locally non-invertible Fox-Artin arcs in M, which are wild at
Later papers will be concerned with developing invariants of the oriented local
embedding type of an arc kn which is tame modulo one endpoint, at which it has
penetration index 2n + 1.