Vol. 47, No. 1, 1973

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A class of infinite dimensional subgroups of Diffr (X) which are Banach Lie groups

Wendell Dan Curtis, Yu-Lee Lee and Forrest Miller

Vol. 47 (1973), No. 1, 59–65

It is known that if X is a compact C-manifold then Diff r(X) with the usual manifold structure is a Banach manifold but not a Banach Lie group. In this paper we construct a class of infinite dimensional subgroups of Diff r(X) which are Banach Lie groups.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 58D05
Secondary: 22E65
Received: 7 March 1972
Published: 1 July 1973
Wendell Dan Curtis
Yu-Lee Lee
Forrest Miller