Vol. 48, No. 2, 1973

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Cotorsion theories

Stephen Dale Bronn

Vol. 48 (1973), No. 2, 355–363

In this paper A is a ring with unit, and Mod-A denotes the category of unitary right A-modules. The aim of the paper is to dualize the concept of torsion and develop the corresponding idea of cotorsion.

One generalization of torsion was given by Goldman, using what he called a kernel functor. These kernel functors are here dualized to give cokernel functors. Cokernel functors are categorized over Mod-A.

The final section investigates what information the cotorsion functors can reveal about the homological properties of the rings under discussion.

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 16A62
Received: 6 July 1972
Published: 1 October 1973
Stephen Dale Bronn