Let S be a topological space, F
a complete nonarchimedean rank 1 valued field, and C∗(S,F) the Banach algebra of
bounded, continuous, F-valued functions on [S. Various topological conditions on S
and/or F are shown to be equivalent, respectively, to each of the following: every
maximal ideal of C∗(S,F) is fixed; the only quotient field of C∗(S,F) is F itself;
every homomorphism of C∗(S,F) into F is an evaluation at a point of S; the
Stone-Weierstrass theorem holds for C∗(S,F). It is also shown that a certain
topological space derived from S may be embedded in the space of maximal ideals of
C∗(S,F) with Gelfand topology, or in the space of homomorphisms of C∗(|S,F) into