If K is a Choquet simplex and
X is a metrizable compact Hausdorff space, we let ∂sK denote the set of
extreme points of K with the facial topology and let S(L(C(X),A(K)))
denote the set of continuous operators from C(X) into A(K) with norm
not greater than 1. Our main purpose in this paper is to characterize the
extreme points of S(L(C(X),A(K))). We show that T is an extreme point of
S(L(C(X),A(K))) if and only if its adjoint τ∗ sends extreme points of K into
X ∪−X ⊆ C(X)∗, also, the set of extreme points of S(L(C(X),A(K))) equals
C(∂sK,X ∪−X).