Let (Δ,Σ,μ) be a totally
σ-finite measure space and let M(Δ) be the set of all complex-valued μ-measurable
functions on Δ. This paper is concerned with determining whether certain classes of
normed Köthe spaces (Banach function spaces) are intermediate spaces of
L1= L1(μ) and L∞= L∞(μ). It is proven that L1∩L∞ and L1+ L∞ are associate
Orlicz spaces and that for every nontrivial Young’s function Φ there is an equivalent
Young’s function Φ1 such that the Orlicz space LuΦ1 is an intermediate space of L1
and L∞. The notion of a universal Köthe space is presented and it is proven that if
Λ is a universal Köthe space then L1∩ L∞⊂ Λ ⊂ L1+ L∞. Furthermore, if
Λ is normed, in particular Λ = Lρ, then there is an equivalent universally
rearrangement invariant norm ρ1 for which Lρ1 is an intermediate space of L1 and