Vol. 52, No. 2, 1974

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Some convergence theorems in Banach algebras

J. J. Koliha

Vol. 52 (1974), No. 2, 467–473

This paper is concerned with finding necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence of the sequence {fn(a)} of elements of Banach algebra, where {fn} is a sequence of analytic functions imitating the behavior of the sequence of integral powers. In particular, it is shown that the sequence {an} converges iff the spectrum of a (with the possible exception of the point λ = 1) lies in the open unit disc and λ = 1 is a pole of (λ a)1 of order 1.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46H05
Received: 7 August 1973
Revised: 28 November 1973
Published: 1 June 1974
J. J. Koliha