Let R denote a set of linear
operations defined on the set N of nonnegative integers; for example, a typical
element of R has t he form ρ(x1,⋯,xr) = m0 + m1x1 + ⋯ + mrxr where m0,⋯,mr
denote certain integers. Given a set A of positive integers, there is a smallest set of
positive integers denoted ⟨R : A⟩ which contains A as a subset and is closed under
every operation in R. The set ⟨R : A⟩ can be constructed recursively as follows: Let
A0 = A, and define
then it can be shown that ⟨R : A⟩ = A0 ∪ A1 ∪⋯ . The sets ⟨R : A⟩ sometimes have
an elegant form, for example, the set ⟨2x + 3y : 1⟩ consists of all positive
numbers congruent to 1 or 5 modulo 12. The objective is to give an arithmetic
characterization of elements of a set ⟨R : A⟩. This paper is a report on progress made
on this problem when the authors collaborated at Reading University in the
academic year 1970–71.