Let U he a bounded open
subset of the complex plane C such that U and C∖U are connected. (If B ⊂ C,B
denotes its closure in C.) H∞(U) is the space of all bounded analytic functions
defined on U. Let S ⊂ U be She zero set of a nonzero function in H∞(U).
Necessary and sufficient conditions on S are given for the existence of an open sel
0 ⊃tU∖(S∖S) such that H∞(0) and H∞(U) have the same restrictions to S. If U
is the unit disc D = {z : |z| < 1} and S is as above, the following result
holds for all the Hardy spaces Hp(D), 0 < p ≤∞: Given g ∈ Hp(D), there
is a function fanalytic in C∖(S∖S) such thatf|D∈ Hp(D) andf = g on