A simple graph X is said to
be a graphical regular representation (GRR) of an abstract group G if the
automorphism group of X is a regular permutation group and is isomorphic to G. If
a group G1 is a cyclic extension of a group G which admits a GRR, the question is
posed whether G1 also admits a GRR. Nowitz and Watkins have given an affirmative
answer if G1 is non-abelian and finite and the index [G1: G] ≧ 5. This paper
applies some new graph theoretical techniques to investigate the problem if
[G1: G] = 2,3 or 4, whether or not G1 is finite. As long as G1 is non-abelian, an
affirmative answer can again be given except in only finitely many unresolved