Vol. 55, No. 2, 1974

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Infinite games and special Baire space extensions

Melven Robert Krom

Vol. 55 (1974), No. 2, 483–487

Two known characterizations of Baire spaces, one in terms of open covers and one in terms of infinite games, are proved directly to be equivalent. It is shown that any topological space is a dense subspace of some α-favorable space (a special kind of Baire space) and that any space which is normal and regular (but not necessarily T1) is a dense subspace of some regular α-favorable space.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 54E99
Secondary: 02K30
Received: 16 July 1974
Revised: 12 September 1974
Published: 1 December 1974
Melven Robert Krom