Vol. 56, No. 1, 1975

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On group algebras of central group extensions

C. Martin Edwards and Peter John Stacey

Vol. 56 (1975), No. 1, 59–75

If A and G are separable locally compact topological groups with A abelian, a central group extension Gf, itself a separable locally compact topological group, of A by G can be defined for each Bore12-cocycle f from G to A. The structure of the group algebras of Gf has been studied for the case of compact A. In this paper stmcture theorems for these group algebras are obtained in the general situation.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 22D15
Received: 20 November 1973
Published: 1 January 1975
C. Martin Edwards
Peter John Stacey