Product integrals are used to
show that, if dw, G, H and K are functions from number pairs to a normed complete
ring N which are integrable and have bounded variation on [a,b] and v−1 exists and
is bounded on [a,b], then the integral equation
has a solution β(x) = v−1(x)u(x) on [a,b], where u and v are defined by the matrix
The above results are used to show that if p,q,h and r are quasicontinuous functions
from the numbers to N such that h is left continuous and has bounded variation and
p,q and h commute, then the solution on [a,b] of the differential-type equation
f∗∗ + f∗p + fq = r is
where f(x) − f(a) = (L)∫
axf∗dh, β is the solution of
and z is defined in terms of p,q,r,h and β.