Let Kr = {z : |z| < r},r > 0.
For given α,0 < α < ∞,d,0 ≦ d < 1, and M,1 < M ≦∞, let S(α,d,M)
denote the class of univalent and normalized α starlike functions f in K1
with Kd ⊂ f(K1) ⊂ KM. The authors show the existence of a function
F ∈ S(α,d,M) with the properties: (a) log F(z)∕z,z ∈ K1, is univalent, (b) if
f ∈ S(α,d,M), then log f(z)lz,z ∈ K1, is subordinate to log F(z)lz,z ∈ K1. Letting
α → 0 they obtain a similar subordination result for normalized starlike
univalent functions. They then point out that these subordination results
solve and give uniqueness for a number of extremal problem in the above