Vol. 58, No. 2, 1975

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A new characterization of characteristic functions of absolutely continuous distributions

Simeon M. Berman

Vol. 58 (1975), No. 2, 323–329

It is well known that if g belongs to L2, then


is the characteristic function of an absolutely continuous distribution function. Conversely, every such characteristic function has the representation given above. Rere we shown that if R(s,t) is a covariance function such that R(s,s) belongs to L1, then


is the characteristic function of an absolutely continuous distribution. Conversely, every such characteristic function has the latter representation (put R(s,t) = g(s)g(t)). The use of this new result is that certain functions are directly seen to be of the second form but not the first; hence, they can be identifled as characteristic functions of absolutely continuous distributions.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 60G10
Secondary: 60E05
Received: 18 March 1974
Published: 1 June 1975
Simeon M. Berman