Vol. 59, No. 1, 1975

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Amitsur cohomology for certain extensions of rings of algebraic integers

Kenneth Mandelberg

Vol. 59 (1975), No. 1, 161–197

The Amitsur cohomology groups H1(S∕R,Pic) and H2(S∕R,U) are computed in a number of cases where R S are rings of algebraic integers, with most specific results when R is Z and S is the ring of integers in a quadratic nmher field. These results give information about the Brauer group Br (S∕R), which gives a new proof of its vanishing when R = Z and S is in an infinite class of quadratic extensions.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 12G05
Received: 10 August 1973
Revised: 22 October 1974
Published: 1 July 1975
Kenneth Mandelberg