In this paper the following
characterization of the symplectic groups PSp(2m,q) for m > 2 as rank 3
permutation groups is obtained:
THEOREM. Let G be a transitive rank 3 group of permutations of a finite set X
such that the orbit lengths for Gb, the stabilizer of a point b in X are 1,
q(qr−2 − 1)∕(q − 1) and qr−1 for integers q > 1 and r > 4. Let b⊥ denote the union of
b and the Gb orbit of length q(qr−2 − 1)∕(q − 1). Let R(bc) denote ∩{z⊥ : b,c ∈ z⊥}.
Assume R(bc)≠{b,c}, for all distinct pairs of points, b and c. Assume that the
pointwise stabilizer of b⊥ is transitive on the points unequal to b of R(bc) for
c∉b⊥. Then r is even, q is a prime power and G≅H, a group of symplectic
collineations of projective r − 1 space over the finite field of q elements and
PSp(r,q) H.