Vol. 60, No. 2, 1975

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A fractional Leibniz q-formula

Waleed A. Al-Salam and A. Verma

Vol. 60 (1975), No. 2, 1–9

In this note we give a discrete analogue, the so called q-analogue, of the well known fractional version of Leibniz formula, i.e., the formula which expresses the fractional integral of the product of two functions in terms of the derivatives and fractional integrals of each. Our discrete analogue is naturally suited to be applied to basic or Heine series. We give three such applications.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 26A33
Received: 14 May 1974
Revised: 21 March 1975
Published: 1 October 1975
Waleed A. Al-Salam
A. Verma